Salsa Bangor is a club organised by a volunteer committee, run according to our constitution. Established in 2001 Salsa Bangor was started by a small group of salsa enthusiasts which has gradually grown over the years into the community club we are now. We are a non-profit club and are eager to bring new experiences to our new and experienced dancers alike. Most of our teachers are volunteers from within the club, but we also regularly bring in external teachers for change of style nights and our level 3 classes.
We organise classes and events that introduce people to salsa and related Latin dances, such as bachata, kizomba, and cha cha. Every Thursday night new faces arrive and are taught their first steps with us. Our aim is to turn them all into happy social dancers!
We ask that everyone at Salsa Bangor contributes to the ethos of the club and is respectful to fellow members at all times. Please see our Code of Conduct for guidance.
We also have several policies designed to protect our members. Please speak to a committee member or contact us if you have a problem or feel uncomfortable at Salsa Bangor.